
You will be known forever by the tracks you leave. Native American Proverb

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. Psalm 90:12

Friday, November 28, 2014

Christian Year

Advent is almost here: Sunday, November 30th.  As this is the start of the Christian year, it is the perfect time for beginning a devotional book, especially if it is one that is helping you live the Christian year.  And I want to recommend one of the best:  Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God by Bobby Gross.

Not sure how I selected this book, but since I ordered via Amazon, it was an intentional choice. My usual way of turning to new-to-me authors is from quotes or chapter notes or additional resources suggested in a book that is assisting me in this phase of my walk. I have used this book all of this past Christian year and my understanding of the historical and current inhabiting has become more solidified. Pacing my spiritual journey with the rhythms of the Christian year has not been part of my devotional life until the past seven years, but now the rhythms, which include the liturgy, have enveloped me like a cloud. 

Here is a section in the Foreword by Lauren Winner where she is explaining why observing the Christian year is important to her.

One of my goals in life is to inhabit the Christian story so fully that Advent will e the instinctive beginning of my year. Why is this so important to me, this living into the church's calendar?  Well, for many reason. Fist, I want the Christian story to shape everything I do, even how I reckon time. I want the rhythms of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost to be more basic to my life than the days on which my quarterly estimated taxes are due.  Second, I have found that inhabiting the church calendar is powerfully evangelistic will be doing something so counter cultural that it will not escape the notice of your friends and neighbors -- and they will ask you why you are doing the things you are doing -- and you will have a chance to tell them something about Jesus.  And third, most important: almost more than anything else I've done since becoming a Christian, trying to live inside church time has formed me in the Christian story. Which is to say, almost more than anything else, living inside church time has formed me in Jesus' story. Jesus drew my attention to himself, and the church calendar has kept it fixed there -- on him.  Church time has offered me the chance to reprise and reiterate Jesus' life every year.   

The part I'm selecting to share came from the Thanksgiving chapter which was yesterday's reading in Living the Christian Year by Bobby Gross. Each chapter includes topic based prayers and reading from the A, B, or C year of the lectionary.   

Our texts this week call us to thanksgiving. We give thanks for the bounty of the earth: common grace.  We give thanks for the blessings of Christ: spiritual grace.  We give thanks for the promises of God: eschatological grace. We remind ourselves that all we have comes from God, not our own hands (Deut 8:7). We express our gratitude by giving a portion back to God and sharing generously with others.We also celebrate God's generosity by feasting with gratitude in anticipation of the great feast in the age to come.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Study on Prayer

After moving from Weaverville, NC to Erwin, TN in 2007,  I put together a study on prayer for a few of my scattered friends via internet.  You can find this study at  You will need to go back to the first post for the starting point. The format is my usual style of using the books I am or have read along with the Bible (Amplified Version). The blog is still open for comments; you will need  a google account (already existing or set up one).    

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Inviting Silence by Gunilla Norris

I stumbled upon Gunilla Norris in a used book store and brought home a copy of Being Home, A Book of Meditations. Then with the help of I obtained other books like Inviting Silence and A Mystic Garden. Finding just one or two passages to share was challenging but I finally settled on these from Inviting Silence.

Here in each day is a wealth of time
we can take advantage of. They are breath breaks.
If we learn to rest and renew in them
our lives will go from disconnection and haste
to breathtaking presence.

To be on time we need to experience ourselves in time.
Our inner lives are timeless,
and yet our days are numbered.
To work with time we need a sense of leisure,
a sense of the natural unfolding of a day,
of a season, a year, a life.
We need also to be present to our experiences,
moment to moment. This makes for timeliness.
Then we can feel the rhythm of our lives.
Our timing becomes finer and finer.
We do not miss a beat. Leisurely and precise,
we can flow with time. 

W. Phillip Keller

W. Phillip Keller is the son of missionary parents and grew up East Africa.  He has written over thirty-five Christian books; one of the most popular of his books is A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.  Here is an excerpt from Outdoor Moments with God from the chapter entitled, Mountain Vespers.

I had decided to spend the night there, curled up in a couple of old, well-worn blankets. As the sun settled beyond the sawtooth skyline to the west, the high mountain robins began their evening serenade. It blended into the melody of a small stream that murmured softly through the glade. Then, just then, several vesper sparrows added their pure, plaintive vesper calls to the soft evening song. If ever there was in truth a vesper service of primitive purity, this was it, played out in absolute innocence for all eternity.

For a mountain man, well into the late twilight of his own earth sojourn, this interlude stands out with glowing delight and sheer ecstasy which no pen can possibly portray on paper. I had entered a celestial cathedral of divine design.  In truth this had been for me hallowed ground. And in that place of supreme peace, I had again encountered the person of Christ Himself who as He assured us, "Goes ahead to prepare places of supreme serenity for us." Not just in the next world, but in this one as well.

 I have gained so much from many of his books, especially the ones in which he presents spiritual lessons from whatever the environment may be around him: Mountain Splendor, Still Waters, Sea Edge.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Poem of Friendship

I first saw this poem, Friendship by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik, on a card in a gift store on the campus of WNCU (Gypsi was in junior high school and was participating in a school event). I had to buy the card in order to have a copy of the poem and I am so glad I did. I have passed it onto many friends and it still speaks to me today. Years ago, I was delighted to find that Greg Ogden, author of Discipleship Essentials, used this same poem in the chapter on Prayer. I'm including the before and after paragraphs so you can see how he tied the poem into prayer.

Prayer is transparent dialog.  It is the way we have an intimate conversation with the Creator of the universe and the Redeemer of our lives, who is wild about spending time with us.  Prayer represents the place of greatest safety where we can pour out our hearts in an unedited fashion, much like we would to a dear friend who accepts us as we are, warts and all.  Though the following poem is about friendship, it expresses our experience of prayer as well.

Oh the comfort--the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
Having neither to weigh thoughts,
Nor measure words--but pouring them
All right out--just as they are--
Chaff and grain together--
Certain that a faithful hand will
Take and sift them--
Keep what is worth keeping--
And with the breath of kindness
Blow the rest away.

Prayer is a come-as-you-are affair. It is God's welcome into his heart.     

Hesychia, The Practice of Stillness

Weavings,  A Journal of the Christian Spiritual Life, is a wonderful bimonthly publication by Upper Room Ministries.  The January/February 2007 issue was entitled "Be Still."  I want to share some excerpts from the contribution of Douglas Burton-Christie entitled Hesychia, The Practice of Stillness.

The ancient monks of the Egyptian desert had a name for this elusive but crucial aspect of the spirtual life: hesychia. The Greek word can be translated in different ways, depending on the context: stillness, quiet, tranquility, deep peace. In the monastic literature, hesychia is often synonymous with a certain quality of depth of prayer, or awareness of "God's presence.  John Climacus described hesychia as "worshiping God inviolable activity of the heart." The simplicity of hesychia was, for the early Christian monks, part of its power, its meaning. In this place of stillness, everything other than God faded from consciousness.  God's touch, God's presence became palpable. One became conscious of living in God.

Late in his life, Thomas Merton traveled to California to spend time at Redwoods Monastery and to explore the Lost Coast in the hopes of finding a place where he could descend into greater stillness and authentic prayer.  He had arrived at a moment in his own life in which he felt the need to go deeper, to find a more honest way of living out his monastic vocation.  From his perch along the wild, craggy Northern California, he wrote:
    In our monasticism, we have been content to find our way to a kind of peace, a simple, undisturbed thoughtful life. And this is certainly good.  But is it good enough?
   I, for one realize that now I need more.Not simply to be quiet, somewhat productive, to pray, to read, to cultivate leisure...There is a need of effort, deepening, change and transformation. Not that I must undertake a special project of self-transformation or that I must "work on myself." In that regard, it would be better to forget it. Just go for walks, live in peace, let change come quietly and invisibly on the inside.
   But I have a past to break with, an accumulation of inertia, waste, wrong, foolishness, rot, junk, a great need of clarification of mindfulness, or rather of no min ---a return to genuine peace, right effort, need to push on to the great doubt. Need for the Spirit.
 This is an utterly personal statement, articulated by a man standing at a crossroads in his life, looking for a more authentic way of living. Yet it also speaks, I think, to a larger and more widely shared hunger - for honesty, open-heartedness, integrity, peace. Not any peace - certainly not a peace born of easy acceptance of conventions or evasion of the hard questions. Rather it is something closer to what the early Christian monks meant by hesychia ---a deep, abiding peace, born of struggle and relinquishment, issuing from the costly work of facing up to the truth of one's life. Few of us can deny the need for this kind of clarification and purification in our life, or the sense of relief that comes from finally giving ourselves to this work.Yet arriving at a place where this deep, cleansing work can begin to happen is itself a mysterious thing.  Something in us has to shift. We must become vulnerable. A space needs to open up within us, even a small space. It was here in this space of hesychia, the monks believed, that the need for "deepening, change and transformation" could take root within and begin to blossom.  Here in this stillness, one could begin to dream of entering into "the very center of the mysteries," into a simple awareness of God at the heart of one's life.  One could be reborn.    

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Made for Goodness by Desmond Tutu & Mpho Tutu

As mentioned in an earlier post, we are reading and discussing this book in our Contemplative Prayer Group.  It is a book in which every chapter gives the reader a gift and reveals the heart of this exceptional spiritual leader.  When I read in the acknowledgements of the book, that Mpho had spent time in Hot Springs, NC while preparing this book, I felt an invisible connection and was so pleased that my area had provided rest for her as she was writing. I'm going to share two selections of the many gifts this book gave to me.

 At the end of each chapter there is a poem in which the reader is directed to "turn into the stillness and listen to God speak with the voice of the heart" .....

Failure and shame shut your eyes
So you can't see me.
Anguish and pain shriek with your voice
And you can't hear me.
Guilt makes you turn aside
And you think I have walked away.
But through it all I am right here,
Right here where you weep lonely tears for me,
Right here where you thought you didn't want me to be.

"Why have you forsaken me?"
I hear the cry through all eternity.
Child, I am here.
I know what you are doing.
I weep for you when you slide away from all that is right,
When you turn your back on all that is good.
I weep for you.
I see the harm that you do.
In my hand I hold your hand.
In my hand I hold the hurting hand of the one you are harming.
Right now,
In this moment,
I stand between the two of you and neither of you see me.
In one hand I hold the hand of my beloved child
My dear one who is blinded by suffering.
In my other hand I hold the hand of my beloved child
My dear one whose savagery and shame hide me from sight.
But I am here
Beside you both,
Between, within, and all around you both.
I AM.  

Here is a section from the chapter of Hearing God's Voice and I have already found it to be very helpful in quieting myself for prayer.

There are many ways to still oneself.  Mpho teaches the use of breath and of the line of the Psalter "Be still and know" as a path into stillness.  "Be still and know" is mouthed on a slow inhalation; "that I am God" is mouthed on the exhalation. The words are not spoken aloud. But mouthing the words helps to hold the attention.  Although the words fall away, the inhalation and exhalation do not become shorter.  Rather, breath fills the wordless space.

Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know that I am
Be still and know that I
Be still and know that
Be still and know
Be still and
Be still

When Mpho uses this form of prayer, she will reconstruct the line word by word and then allow each word to fall away again in turn.  Sometimes that construction and deconstruction will fill the whole period she has set aside for meditation.  Sometimes the words fall away as she sinks into silence.  On occasion the words fall away and then return as some distraction threatens to intrude on the stillness. The words and breath are like a banister in an uneven stairwell: sometimes one must lean on the banister heavily; other times a light touch is all that is necessary to steady one's step; still other times the railing is not needed at all.  It is so with the words of the psalm and the attention to the breath: sometimes they are needed to push the chatter aside; sometimes they are a barely perceptible presence; sometimes they fall away completely. This kind of rhythmic repetition of a words, verse, or mantra is a prayer practice that anyone can use. When the repetition is paired with attention to the breath, it offers a path into deep silence. As we find and inhabit that silence, we will become more attuned to the voice of God.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Memorized this poem in the 8th grade for an English assignment and I am so glad I did.  I have carried it with me for many years.   


I think that I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast.
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray.
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair.
Upon whose bosom snow has lain
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me
But only God can make a tree.

               Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918)

Trees have always been important to me and a form a large part of my life's background: mountains, hiking/walking trails, identifying (Daddy taught me to identify trees ... he worked with The Davey Tree Company while I was growing up), picnics on Ogle Meadows, reading under trees, trees limbs hanging with snow, autumn leaves of many colors falling, raking leaves into piles, Blue Ridge Parkway, tree swings, smell of pines and leaves, wind singing through the pines and talking through the beech leaves in winter, campfires, walking a fallen tree for foot log across a creek, counting the growth rings of a cut tree etc.  So thankful for organizations such as Arbor Day Foundation .  Here is a collage I put together from Arbor Day Cards and WNC magazine.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Kindle and George MacDonald

Forgot to mention the book I am currently reading on Kindle (shows how my mind doesn't always include the Kindle when I'm thinking or saying "books.")  I do love the Kindle that my son-in-law gave to me and the daughter has been assisting me for almost two years in helping me get adjusted to this wonderful gadget. It is amazing to hold all your library selections in one hand and have immediate access to many more books.  And there are so many classics to download and many do not cost a penny!  So I have downloaded all of the free George MacDonald books which I think is around 36.  The one I am reading at this time is The Portent.  If you are not familiar with George MacDonald, he is a 19th century Scottish storyteller and  I recommend beginning with At the Back of the North Wind; although it is considered a book for children, it is for all ages. Here is the link:  In my library collection, I have several hand-bound editions of George MacDonald which are prepared by the Johannesen Publishing: and they are beautiful hardback copies. Many of the novels of George MacDonald have been edited from the Scots dialect to modern English by Michael Phillips.    

Currently Reading

Currently reading: these two books, Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell and The Excellency of the Rosary by Math Josef Frings were birthday gifts from my daughter;  this is the second reading of The Cloud of Unknowing; just finished reading Keeping the Sabbath Wholly by Marva J Dawn and will do a blog summary later; reading Made for Goodness by Desmond Tutu & Mpho Tutu, with my Contemplative Prayer Group which meets twice a month for book discussion and prayer.

My reading activity would be incomplete if I failed to mention my devotional reading:  Bible via the Revised Common Lectionary (read the past three years in the B, C, A order); Psalms, using the Common Book of Prayer psalter for the guide to read the entire Psalms each month; Living the Christian Year by Bobby Gross.  During the next few weeks, I will be selecting the books and making devotional plans for the up coming Christian Year.  During Advent and Lent, additional readings are added that are compiled for these seasons and currently, I am trying to finalize a selection for this Advent season. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Yearning for Reading Time

When I was on the 9-5 weekday schedule, my deepest yearning was always for more reading time. Since retiring, most of my days are intentionally paced slower and reading is scheduled daily.  Realizing that many of my friends are not at a place in their lives where there is adequate reading time, sharing my reads in summary form on a blog could be of a benefit to them in a couple of ways: 1) allow them a review to determine if it is a book they think would be worth their time to obtain and read; 2) give them informational highlights of the book with a quick blog read.  And of course, it gives me another "gleaning" from a book that was beneficial to my journey of life.  So that is why this is a blog about books and the tracks I will be known by, will be the books I share.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Music of Silence by David Stendl-Rast

Music of Silence A Sacred Journey Through the Hours of the Day by David Stendl-Rast (check out this link for more of his work).  I originally read this book in 2004 and it was the beginning of my awareness of the rhythms of life.

Hours of the Day: Vigils, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, Compline

Vigils - the Night Watch
... before the day's noises begin, when it is still perfectly quiet the stillness open your heart to the gift of the hour; gratefully listen to the silence
...time for learning to trust the dark is the hour that call us to set aside time outside the practical demands of the day
...invited to connect with the dark, grace-filled mystery in which we are immersed in the sacred, timeless   dimension of our lives
...challenges us to carry the good news through the rest of the day: light shines in the midst of darkness
 ...night wind is the natural voice of vigils
...calls us to a loving listening; we have so much restlessness and noise in us, we find it had to nurture and       cultivate a listening attitude
...carry through the day the mystery of darkness that gives light; carry the melody of wonder and joy

Lauds - the Coming of the Light this hour opens the door to a new day, give thanks for new opportunities
...takes us out of the darkness into the light
 ...begin with the attitude that each day is a gift, that everything in our life is a gift; appropriate response to this given world is gratefulness even in the midst of suffering and pain
...invites us to ask "what attitude should I bring to this day?"
...take time to rejoice and delight in the gift of the moment; don't sleepwalk through life is reborn each morning
...awakening of the child within, combines fresh enthusiasm of the child's innocence with the wisdom that comes with experience
...our senses are so overloaded that they are dull; we can't really hear well or savor a taste
...light exposes darkness

Prime - a Deliberate Beginning
...accept tasks for today; tackle them with courage and bring blessings to all whom you serve through mindful, careful, cheerful work
...focus on a proper beginning; start the day's activities wholeheartedly and deliberately work together whether they work side-by-side or apart and never see one another
...if you make a right start, aligning your actions with your best intentions, everything you do is prayer; savor work, don't hurry just to get it over
...disobedience is not so much not doing what you know you should do, as not even listening to what the situation demands and calls you to do
...starting the day off right requires stop, look, then go

Terce - the Joy of Living
...mid-morning prayer break
...grateful for the gift of life, take a breath and pray "May all beings everywhere live in peace"
...focus on the Holy Spirit that is life-breath, that joy living within us
...delight in being blessed with life
...pass a blessing onto others by a good word or smile, a kind action that goes completely unobserved or simply a good wish in silence we lovingly take care of details, we grow into that attitude of caring and tenderness be vital, awake, aware in all areas of our lives, is the task that is never accomplished but remains the goal: to be ablaze with the Holy Spirit
...the spirit is our strength that expresses itself in strong action and tenderness
...spread the fiery enthusiasm of the divine life within us
...remember God's presence

Sext - Commitment & Fervor this hour of high noon, lift up heart and mind in a moment of grateful silence
...tend to get sleepy and our good intentions can begin to flag
...courageous resolution: "I will stay true and uphold for the rest of the day"
...high noon is the time of great silence in nature; turning point of day
...noon day bell is invitation to pray for peace and commit oneself to treat others with love
...trustful waiting is a truly fervent way of praying
...time of transition, passing into the second part of the day

None - the Shadows Lengthen
...needed boost for last hours of the work day day declines towards evening be renewed in spirit and not grow tired of giving your best
...time to turn inward again, after the outward movements of the day
...look to those things which endures
...listen intently to the music that never stops, the inner music of silence
 ...acknowledge that each day comes to a close, each life comes to a close
...the more fully life is lived, the easier it is to let go
...we all need a place apart to face reality
...time to be forgiven for our shortcomings and be encouraged to forgive ourselves and others
...late afternoon of our lives is often a time when we are called to forgive and let go of our grievances

Vespers - Lighting the Lamps evening celebration
...pause to review the harvest of today and to give thanks for what you have learned for tomorrow
 ...find peace of heart by reconciling contradictions within and around us disappointments and regrets of the day behind us and become festive in a new way
...light the lamps of caring attention for our neighbors in this dark world
...daylight fades and the distinct silence of night descends
...become festive and receive God as a guest, stretch beyond time and embrace the now
...luxuriate in the quiet beauty of evening
...what candle can we light for others to to acknowledge and show appreciation
...we move closer together when it gets dark

Compline - Completing the Circle
...give thanks for another day the day and resolve to do better tomorrow
...approach the night with trust and joyful anticipation opens our hearts to the blessing of rest
...examine conscience and ask forgiveness; making a clean transition into night and sleep
...connects the end of day with the end of life itself; reinforces the theme that the rhythm of our days parallels the rhythm of our life; the way we live each hour, each day, determine the character of our life; the paced hours teach us how to pace our life
...remind ourselves of the firm foundation on which our faith rests in the uniqueness of each person; we thrive in an atmosphere of feeling at home and safe in the world

The introduction to this book is written by Kathleen Norris, the author of many books that has been most helpful in my journey; I will be forever grateful to the pastor who introduced me to Kathleen Norris via The Cloister Walk.  Here are a few of her comments from the introduction:
---The human perception of time has long been subject to technological revisions, and increased speed has often subtly reduced our capacity to appreciate the world around us
--- Addiction to speed, to the artificial rhythms generated by electronic media, can change our consciousness
---This book is steeped in the wisdom of disciplined prayer done according to the rhythms of day and night.  As a monk, Steindl-Rast has learned that "prayer is not sending an order and expecting it to be fulfilled.  Prayer is attuning yourself to the life of the world, to love, the force that moves the sun and the moon and the stars."  It is the sort of thing that monks, mystics, and poets come to know very well by paying close attention to the flow of hours around them.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ready to Continue this Blog

Guess what?   I'm ready to continue this blog.  It was started several years ago and was disrupted by a relocation and now that I'm settled, I have the desire and time, of the two, desire is the stronger.  So hoping my friends (old and new) will check out this blog and see the direction my journey of life is taking, mainly through the books that are speak to me.  And please, add your thoughts in the section for comments.