
You will be known forever by the tracks you leave. Native American Proverb

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. Psalm 90:12

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Ellis Peters and The Brother Cadfael Chronicles

What a fascinating world of the 12th century that Ellis Peters created with  The Brother Cadfael Chronicles; mysteries that involve  the medieval monastery of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury.

The author snares me into these chronicles with the delightful way she presents to the reader the paced life of the medieval monastery, including description of weather and nature for the seasons, and the activities of Brother Cadfael in the herb gardens. I would have read them just for the historical setting, without a mystery of murder, but the way the mystery unravels with the telling of the story is always rewarding.

A Morbid Taste for Bones
One Corpse Too Many
St. Peter's Fair
The Leper of Saint Giles
The Virgin in the Ice
The Sanctuary Sparrow
The Devil's Novice
Dead Man's Ransom
The Pilgrim of Hate
An Excellent Mystery
The Raven in the Foregate
The Rose Rent
The Hermit of Eyton Forest
The Confessions of Brother Haluin
The Heretic's Apprentice
A Rare Benedictine
The Potter's Field
The Summer of the Danes
 The Holy Thief

Published in 1992 was Ellis Peters' Shropshire. She traces the history and tells of her connections with the town of Shrewsbury which was the setting of the Brother Cadfael novels.

Robin Whiteman is the author of several books based on Ellis Peters' Cadfael Chronicles: Cadfael Country, The Cadfael Companion, Brother Cadfael's Herb Garden and Brother Cadfael's Book of Days. 

Thirteen of the tales were made for a TV series starring Sir Derek Jacobi as Brother Cadfael and are available in VHS which I have with the collection of the novels.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Desire of the Everlasting Hills by Thomas Cahill

Desire of the Everlasting Hills is the third volume in the Hinges of History series by Thomas Cahill. This unique presentation of Jesus and his times is for believers and nonbelievers alike (for Jews and Christians, it is intended by the author as an act of reconciliation). With the same lively narration and irresistible perceptions that characterize How the Irish Saved Civilization* and The Gifts of the Jews*, the author invites readers into an ancient world to commune with some of the most influential people who ever lived.

About The Hinges of History series:

"In this series, The Hinges of History, I mean to retell the story of the Western world as the story of the great gift-givers, those who entrusted to our keeping one or another of the singular treasures that make up the patrimony of the West.  This is also the story of the evolution of Western sensibility, a narration of how we became the people that we are and why we think and feel the way we do. And it is finally, a recounting of those essential moments when everything was at state, when the mighty stream that became Western history was in ultimate danger and might have divided into a hundred useless tributaries or frozen in death or evaporated altogether. But the great gift-givers, arriving in the moment of crisis provided for transition for transformation and even for transfiguration, leaving us a world more varied and complex, more awesome and delightful, more beautiful and strong than the one they had found."    -----  Thomas Cahill

For me, Thomas Cahill's ability to retell these periods of history is a gift for Western history.

*These two books were mentioned in an earlier post of September 2016.

The Lord of the Journey edited & compiled by Roger Pooley and Philip Seddon

This was a book I selected to read during 2016 and just finalized it today. The Lord of the Journey was indeed a Reader in Christian Spirituality. There were over 250 authors, who display the myriad aspects of the Christian experience: from Augustine to John Bunyan, Martin Luther and Jean Calvin, John and Charles Wesley, Ignatius of Loyola and Charles Simeon, John Donne and Soren Kierkegaard and a host of others, known and unknown. These authors are evangelical, orthodox, catholic and ecumenical, writing in verse and in prose, in histories, memoirs, biography, letters, prayers and hymns. This collection illustrates the variety and depth of the Christian experience and presents the life-stages of the Christian pilgrimage.

From the Introduction: "At the heart of Christian faith lies the deep conviction that we can know and love God because God first loved and knew us. The one true existent God we believe, has been so poured out, so make known to us in Christ and the Spirit, that we can respond with mutual personal knowledge and in the intimacy and awe of love. At the heart of a true Christian spirituality, lies the conviction that the beginning of the Christian life is only a beginning, even if it has touched the End; that not merely outward appearances but hidden bases of false living are to be challenged; that not just ideas but experiences are to be shaped by the Spirit. In short, there is a future: there is a journey, a pilgrimage to be undertaken in Christ who is the Beginning and the End, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Knowledge of and joy in God increasingly take over as the central desire, fed by prayer, Scripture and sacrament; and it does so in the context of the church, that community of believers with whom we experience both mutual solidarity in joy and suffering as well as frustration with the personal and institutional imperfections that remain epidemic. And we begin to see that love of God is exercised in loving our neighbours, in witness and service. Christian spirituality is our longing to enter, experience and express the love and the knowledge of God more and more in ourselves, in the community of faith, and beyond." 

This is a worthy book to journey with through any year.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton

This is a Formatio book from InterVarsity press about being transformed by Christ and conformed to his image. InterVarsity believes that each of us is made with a deep desire to be in God's presence and the Formatio books help us to fulfill our deepest desires and to become our true selves in light of God's grace. And this one, Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton could not have come across my path at a more appropriate time. I took a deep sigh when I read the chapter titles "Longing for More: An Invitation to Spiritual Transformation," "Solitude: Creating Space for God,"  "Scripture: Encountering God Through Lectio Divina," "Prayer: Deepening our Intimacy with God," Honoring the Body: Flesh-and-Blood Spirituality," Self-Examination: Bringing My Whole Self Before God," "Discernment: Recognizing and Responding to the Presence of God," "Sabbath: Establishing Rhythms of Work and Rest," and "A Rule of Life: Cultivating Rhythms for Spiritual Transformation."

The last chapter includes a Thomas Merton quote from Thoughts in Solitude:

"Ask me not where I live or what I like to eat . . . . Ask me what I am living for and what I think is keeping me from living fully for that."

When God is Silent by Barbara Brown Taylor

This little book "When God is Silent"  is the 1997 Lyman Beecher Lectures on Preaching that Barbara Brown Taylor delivered at Yale Divinity School during the Fall Convocation. The original audience included seminarians, clergy, professors, and lay people. Her focus is on the task of preaching in a world where people thirst for a word from God. How do we as Christians hear this word from a God who often seems to be silent? How do we speak with truth and restraint of the incarnate God? And how do we listen to the Word of God spoken in the midst of silence? It offers three sections: Famine, Silence, Restraint. She ends these lectures with this thought:
"In  a way that surpasses understanding, our duty in this time of famine is not to end the human hunger and thirst for God's word, but to intensify it, until the whole world bangs its forks for God's food.  That is what the famine is for, according to scripture. That is why God has hidden God's face: to increase our sense of loss until we are so hungry and lonely for God that we do something about it --- not only one by one but also as a people who are once again ready to leave our fleshpots in search of real food."

There are many re-reads ahead of me starting next week.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Books that I have read these past few months .....

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens: This children's version made for a more easy read although I still did not understand most of what was being said between the characters.

The Rose Labyrinth by Titania Hardie: Would not recommend to anyone or read again; I did finish the book, but most of the happenings were not tied together with the ending.

The Gardener's Quotation Book  edited by Jennifer Taylor: Just beautiful and now I can find quotes to use when needed.

Idaho by Emily Ruskovich: Advance uncorrected proof loaned to me by Gypsi and it was a hard-to- put-down mystery that was unfolded in a delicate journey.

The Shack by Wm. Paul Young: Was surprised at how much I enjoyed this book and I plan to see the movie when it comes out in March 2017 with Gary as I think he will enjoy it also.

The Doll, The Lost Short Stories by Daphne du Maurier: Her short stories are extraordinary. Daphne du Maurier is one of my favorite authors and I have most all of her books in my collection.

Letters and Papers from Prison by Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Was worth reading and I wish I had read it sooner.

A Way in the Wilderness edited by M. G. Einspruch: Interesting insights into the Jewish ways.

Cover Her Face by P.D. James:  Second or maybe third reading; it is one of my favorite and it is one book that the movie does somewhat follow the book.

When God is Silent by Barbara Brown Taylor: Second reading just as insightful as first reading and I will read it again.

In My Own Words, Thomas Merton: I'm always ready to read more reflections of Thomas Merton's and thankful there is a lot offered.

Illuminated Prayers by Marianne Williamson: Beautiful!

Sacred Rhythms Arranging our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haley Barton: This book was just what I needed to read for confirmation; will be reading this one over later this year.

The Genesee Diary by Henri J. M. Nouwen: I always underline a lot in Nouwen's books.

Journey in a Holy Land, A Spiritual Journal by M. Basil Pennington: Worth reading again.

The Road to Assisi The Essential Biography of St Francis by Paul Sabatier: Everyone should read this account of the life of St. Francis.


Below is a list of publications that I have received regularly for many years and like the books I read I think they identify my interest in living.  Guess I should review them to see if all facets of my identity is included.

Victoria Magazine ..... loved this magazine for decades and I keep all issues (except the ones the husband throwed away without my knowledge when we moved from Weaverville, NC).
Tea Time Magazine .... need to renew; they even include some gluten free recipes.

National Wildlife Federation .... part of the Backyard Wildlife Program for South Knoxville Neighborhood. Ranger Rick is a wonderful magazine for children.

Arbor Day .... part of hazelnut tree program (had to leave trees in Erwin, TN); supported this organization for years to benefit trees. Trees are extremely important for me.

Compassion International .... sponsor a young girl named Danitza and we correspond regularly; I am participating in her growing up! This ministry is organized the best ever in all ways!

Voice of the Martyrs ..... committed to pray for a couple of men that share the Gospel in persecuted areas of the world. I am astonished at what is being done in the world!

Samaritan's Purse Shoebox Ministry .... love preparing and sending shoeboxes, usually for a teenage girl, and watching to see which country it goes to; last year was the first year in decades that I didn't participate and I'm not sure how it got away from me.

Contemplative Outreach ..... Silence, Solitude, Solidarity with Thomas Keating, a Benedictine Monk.

Weavings .... A journal of the Christian spiritual life by The Upper Room; multiple contributors.

Central Asia Institute ... education of girls in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan; ministry started by Greg Mortenson and shared in his book "Three Cups of Tea."