
You will be known forever by the tracks you leave. Native American Proverb

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. Psalm 90:12

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Brother Hugo and The Bear written by Katy Beebe, illustrated by S.D. Schindler

This book is so beautiful! A friend told me about a book she had read to her daughter and thought of me while reading; thanks Suelinda!  Just the title let me know, it was one I needed to read. In the Author's Note to the reader, she shares how there is truth behind this story. In a letter by Peter the Venerable (Benedictine abbey of Cluney 1092-1156), he told about his unfortunate incident with a bear and a manuscript. The illustrator gives life to the medieval setting.

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome! It was really neat wasn't it!?! I'm glad you liked it. Fun that it was based on a true story. Amazing what they did to make those manuscripts! Nice blog post.
