
You will be known forever by the tracks you leave. Native American Proverb

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. Psalm 90:12

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Lessons of St. Francis by John Michael Talbot with Steve Rabey

I am much more familiar with John Michael Talbot's music than I am his writing. I was introduced to his music with the Heart of the Shepherd album a very long time ago when I was recovering from pneumonia.  He is a musician, teacher, and writer who practices the Franciscan traditions. In 1980 he founded Brothers and Sisters of Charity, a monastic community located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, based on the Franciscan principles of simplicity.  Another Franciscan monk and author of The Journey and the Dream, Murray Bodo, gives this review for the book:
This small wisdom book combines personal narration with practical advice to cut across all religious traditions. Through the universally loved life and works of Francis of Assisi, the author weaves a guidebook of spirituality for moderns. The whole tapestry works because the strands are strong and reliable. The reader is invited to take up those threads and make, not a medieval tapestry, but a refashioned modern life after the pattern of St. Francis.

Talbot's album entitled Troubadour of the Great King consists of musical versions of the favorite scriptures ad prayers of St. Francis. 

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