
You will be known forever by the tracks you leave. Native American Proverb

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. Psalm 90:12

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Open Mind Open Heart by Thomas Keating

This is probably the third time I have read this book but blog posting never happened because the other  readings took place "before sixty." Thomas Keating is a Cistercian priest, monk, and abbot. He presently resides at St. Benedict's Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado. He is the founder of the Centering Prayer Movement and of Contemplative Outreach.  Here is the link for the site:  

Chapter One: What Contemplation Is Not 
There is much popular misinformation in people's minds about what contemplation is. Saying what it is not may help to put a perspective on what it is. The first thing contemplation is not is a relaxation exercise. It may bring relaxation, but that is strictly a side effect. It is primarily relationship, hence, intentionality. It is not a technique, it is prayer. When we say "Let us pray," we mean, " Let us enter into a relationship with God," or, "Let us deepen the relationship we have," or, "Let us exercise our relationship with God." Centering prayer is a method of moving our developing relationship with God to the level of pure faith. Pure faith is faith that is moving beyond the mental egoic level of discursive meditation and particular acts to the intuitive level of contemplation.

I'm hoping to re-read several more books now that the garden "has been put to bed for the winter." Without gardening, my exercise has to be intentional, which is hard for me and "going walking" without the Beagles is even harder.     

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